Solid phase extraction cartridges, Bond Elut™ Sodium Sulphate Drying

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Bond Elut™
VARI12162051BEA 630 CHF
VARI12162051B VARI12131033 VARI12132004 VARI12162052B VARI12162054B
Solid phase extraction cartridges, Bond Elut™ Sodium Sulphate Drying
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Bond Elut™ Jr cartridges have top and bottom Luer fittings allowing easy sample processing when used in conjunction with standard SPE cartridges. Bond Elut™ LRC cartridges have a large reservoir above the sorbent bed and are suitable for use on any standard SPE vacuum manifold.

  • Highly effective pre-packed dessicant
  • Clean ACS grade, anhydrous sodium sulphate
  • Prepacked for convenience
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